Now Available: Veins of Ichor

Now available as an NFT, ‘Veins of Ichor’ is bound to demand attention in your collection.

Veins of Ichor

A bioengineered entity, whose human origins are long obscured by layers of modification, cradles a vial of luminescent elixir. The liquid within swirls with an eerie, phosphorescent glow, casting distorted shadows across the lab’s cold, metallic surfaces.

With a trembling hand, they raise the vial to their lips, savoring the bitter taste of the life-sustaining potion that courses through their veins like liquid salvation. With each tentative sip, the being’s survival is assured, its complex physiology relying on this concoction to stave off the decay that constantly threatens its existence. The liquid courses through its veins, momentarily quelling the insidious degradation within—a tenuous lifeline in a world where survival is dictated by the dark science that created it.

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